These documentary reports were made for The Laura Flanders Show, where I served as the Senior Video Producer and Editor.

The City as Living Laboratory: Mary Miss

Role: producer, director, videographer, editor

In this excerpt we visit Mary Miss, a Guggenheim fellow and celebrated artist, whose organization, The City as Living Laboratory, strives to empower people to create not the cliché of the sustainable city, she says, but places of living and breathing, creative sustenance.


Cooperation vs Authoritarianism in Spain

Love and Rage at the Border: An Artistic Uprising

Role: producer, editor

In July 2019, we joined an artistic uprising in El Paso, Texas with folks from One Billion Rising, La Mujer Obrera, and more, who rise against the systemic violence and denial of human rights that immigrants and refugees experience.


Ableism Out, Independent Living Now!

Role: story producer, editor

In this episode, Laura travels to Spain to learn how people in two of the regions most brutally repressed under the dictatorship of Francisco Franco built the worlds’ largest worker-owned co-ops.

Role: director, videographer, editor

On July 26th, America marked the 28th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Thousands of disability activists, including many of those who made this civil rights landmark a reality, convened at the National Council on Independent Living's (NCIL) 2018 Annual Conference.